Shedding the Chrysalis: the countdown begins

Lauren C. Gorgo, September 18, 2012


Before we get into the meat of this beefy article, the Pleiadian High Council would first like me to mention, rather, reiterate (from the last report) that we are coming into another round of significant evolutionary change.  My feeling is that they are referring to the second of seven Uranus/Pluto squares happening this week (9/19), the equinox (9/22), in addition to the intensifying pressure of the cosmic contractions (10:10, 11:11, 12:12) leading up to our collective birth in December (12/21).

These new energies that we are now facing daily are not only affecting each and every one of us on the path to higher consciousness, but they are also beginning to really effect the ways in which the people of the whole world function… in noticeable ways.

They explain it like this:

The new energies are here now to serve those at the forefront of humanity…lets call it ‘the 5D energy’.  These inevitable and unavoidable forces of light are beginning to infiltrate the world at large in a much more physical way than before.  By this we mean that those who were seemingly unaffected by the intensified photonic frequencies in the past will now begin to show signs of increasing volatility, just as those of you reading this are undoubtedly noticing the almost comical speed by which time is flying by you.  Indeed you are approaching the sacred zero-point where the rapidly increasing compression of time forces itself to collapse as a linear construct.

Moreover, the new frequencies you are now able to perceive and participate with are much more in-line with the new (5D) human prototype than the old (3D) human prototype. This means that those of you who are nearing the completion of your cellular transformation will be subject to the many benefits of transfiguration, while those who are wired to the old harmonic will begin to experience the deterioration of their reality system much more swiftly. This is not to say that these energies will bring undue harm, only that many more will be prompted to look within for answers to the building pressures forcing change.


More than anything I am getting the message for the coming weeks that the role of the new human is not one of saving, healing, or altering external circumstances, but to uphold a sense of order (neutrality) for the new paradigm.

I’ll be the first to admit that this is not as easy as it sounds, especially when it comes to loved ones.  There are, and will be, more and more unexpected events/changes in the lives of people we know & love that will at once be brilliant, catastrophic, amazing , devastating, and all divinely ordered.

It’s in these moments that we are called to put our mastery in action because it can be tempting…especially for you healers out there…to try to “save” our friends and family from the purifying fires of hell.  Yet, deeply we all know from travailing our own individual versions of hell, that this is ultimately necessary and that even though the fire can get ridiculously hot, we never get severely burned…long as we are “thinking with our hearts”.

The heat is definitely getting cranked up and so we are urged now more than ever, to stay in neutrality and radiate the light of (universal) LOVE…and mostly because falling out of LOVE has more consequences than before.

As we become more adept at carrying the (528Hz) LOVE frequencies in every cell of our being, we also put forth and maintain an energetic equilibrium that is vital to our new-human health, and also to the integrity of the new (planetary) grid…the system that feeds and sustains us as new earth beings.

If we fall prey to the energies around us… that is to say, if we become emotionally entangled or attached to the rumbling drama of the falling world (which will be getting louder)…then we are not only at risk of becoming destabilized, but we also become a major contributor to this outworn reality system.

What we are meaning to convey is that many of you are beyond powerful now in your capabilities as new-human avatars, which means that the slightest intention wields great universal support.  If that energy is put to misuse…for example, inadvertently applied to the emotional unrest of the dismantling world…this would, in fact, reinforce its capacity to derail you ten fold. -PHC

In other words, where we put our energy/focus is much more powerful now because, as the PHC said in the last report, the energetics that once served the 3D world are fully “flipped over” and in position to serve the 5D world.  So as we enter into more tumultuous times on the planet, our focus on LOVE becomes a much bigger deal.

In fact, our focus on LOVE as the precipitating force behind the core structure of change will increase the possibility of making it so.  At the risk of redundancy, the PHC remind us again and again that now is the time to take the bigger view, to remain firmly planted in the truth that LOVE is the foundation for all change.  The more we are capable to do this, the more we can significantly reduce planetary suffering on all levels.

NOTE: In the event this information invokes a somber tone or if you’ve been feeling a general sense of anxiety or foreboding looming about, I want to be clear that whatever changes are in store, it’s likely not just one event that will topple things over.  Tho system changes continue, and will no doubt increase in succession, the series of shifts that will take place on the micro & macro level will likely be a chain of events that will ultimately restructure major parts of society. Like most things, we will probably notice most of it in retrospect.

We are sharing this strictly to effectuate change at the light-work level, to those who are capable of putting forth great (scalar) waves of LOVE…which will be greatly effective over the ensuing days. The tide has turned in your favor…the conscious few rule the governing direction of planetary energy now .-PHC

If your wondering how to put this information to use, to literally effectuate change in your life, in the world…and even at the universal level…the unseens say what they always do:  Just BE LOVE.

So just for shits and giggles I asked…how, specifically, do we just BE LOVE?

By which they replied:

You BE LOVE by refusing to fall into negativity or fear.  It’s as simple as that.  Each time you override a thought of fear with LOVE, each time you expand your view, each time you remember that ALL IS PERFECT AND WELL, you have won.  Remain as a pillar of LOVE, call on LOVE,  breathe LOVE in and out.  That is all.  When you do this with intent to spread LOVE you multiply the flow of adamantine particles which are controlled only by LOVE.  Similar to negative ions, these sacred particles release enormous pressure on earth & humanity by easing tension and soothing strain. We can’t think of a better way to change your life and the world.

…[The rest of this post is protected.To purchase full article see below.]… ©Expect Miracles, Inc. 2012 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.

The (re)Education of Sacred Embodiment

Lauren C. Gorgo, July 28, 2011


There is a beautiful unfolding in your physical world that is  unraveling the part of the journey where you come to understand the  depth of the work you’ve put forth…to see, feel, touch the reflections  of your accomplishments in the material planes.” -Seven Sisters of Pleiades

Physical reBirth

According to the perspective of the seven sisters, and as of the last  three eclipses coupled with the massive heart rewiring that we all  sustained, we have officially begun the process of physical alignment  with our mental and emotional bodies.  This means that much of the  energetic support we are receiving right now is toward the understanding  and experience of living as a fully-integrated galactic/spiritual  being…in a human body.  Emphasis on the human-body part.

For the remaining days of the universal ninth wave we will be emerging  in incremental stages… (re)birthing ourselves in the physical  dimensions, one layer at a time, and in preparation for the  externalization of our true divinity where we will be capable to finally  share our selves/gifts with the outside world.  We are r-e-a-l-l-y  feeling the pressure building and the ache for freedom is becoming  unbearable, but we will not be able to completely e-merge until we are  fully ripened galactic-humans.

The Pleiadians are emphasizing that our physical bodies are such an  important part of this leg of the journey because the body is our  contact point between the physical and ethereal realms…where we   harness, structure & anchor our potential into form.  In other  words, ‘we’ are where the proverbial rubber meets the road….where  spirit meets matter…where our creative passions meet the world… and  it will be for our upgraded biology suits to provide each of us with the  hardware needed to participate in the 5th dimensional world of our  making.

Green Light

Even tho we technically ascend to higher dimensions of consciousness, I  have always held the understanding that ascension is more of a  descension…a slow and arduous process of pounding our souls into our  bodies and the earth until we find it comfortable enuf to live here.   And I don’t have to tell you that getting into our bodies and staying in  them is/has been quite a chore.  In fact, for many of us on this  journey, grounding into the physical dimensions has not only been a  relentless & tedious pursuit, its been mostly impossible up until  this point.

There are so many starseeds/blue rays on this planet that have never  even come close to touching the ground…let alone in a fully embodied  way…and sadly this has made for some pretty complicated living in 3D.   But that was actually the point.  Those on the ascension timeline were  never able to get completely cozy in 3D because all y’all mutants are  wired differently…and the purpose/result was that we all successfully  averted complacency…even if we did hit the snooze button a few times.

The main reason many on this path (especially the younger generations)  have refused to touch-down in the lower dimensions is because the  frequency of our home turf was just not available for us to nestle into,  until recently…mostly because we are the ones anchoring it here…and  so it felt unsafe.  Being in a dense body can be unsettling due to the  limitations of the lower realms…those frequencies we are just not  accustomed to.  It’s like trying to fit the ocean in a Coke bottle… it  just seemed ridiculous to even try to ground all of our expanded  limitlessness into a container that felt VERY restrictive.

But now, my fellow starlasses and starlads…our bodies are coming  online with the rest of us which means we are being given the green  light to take the full plunge.  Our biology systems are tirelessly  preparing us to begin our physical journey together into 5D which means a  rebirth  is underway as well as the development of a new (co-creative)  relationship with our external world.  Apparently we have a lot yet to  learn about our new selves so the unseens say that a “(re)education of  sacred embodiment” is in order.

Movable Parts

“We would like to emphasize the need for activity during this time by  reminding each of you that it is vital to begin moving your physical  bodies in a way that will support the systemization of your new cells.”  -Seven Sisters

My partner Leon said to me once in a passively sarcastic tone…“cars have movable parts, you know”… 

He was snidely referring to the fact that I hardly ever leave the house  (compliments of untiring fatigue) and as a result my car sits in the  garage sometimes for days on end.  And even tho at the time I had  thoughts of dumping my iced tea on him, those words echoed in my head  and became an ongoing and tantalizing reminder that ‘if I don’t move my ‘vehicles’ parts, problems arise’.

The constant emotional and physical heaviness & lethargy that  accompanies path-cutting can be discouraging, to put it mildly, and I’ll  be the first to admit to an aversion to regular exercise…even and  especially yoga…ugghh.  I.just.can’

From the beginning of this journey exercise felt to me like waaaay too  much effort for far too little reward…which unfortunately made it very  easy to give up and fall victim to inactivity….so I definitely get  that even the thought of exercise can be daunting with so many  symptoms.  That said,  I have been getting repetitive messages that we  will be so much better off if we push thru the (adrenal) fatigue and  start “moving our parts” on a regular basis.  In other words, we can no  longer be sedentary without increasing consequences due to increasing  frequencies.

As always, our body is the best gauge for what and how…and desire is our  fuel.  If you can cultivate the desire to get more physical by doing  something you love over something you dread, you will double your  results, but even the simplest movement with intention to stabilize,  revitalize or regenerate will bring more palpable results now.   Either  way, more focus on the physical will help us to maintain homeostasis  thru these increasingly more physical changes.

“We would also like to add that along with movement, the  physical body is still in need of rest and rejuvenation through  integration periods… doing and being, activity and recuperation…this  formula will be required for optimum self-care and nourishment during  this time.” -Seven Sisters

The bottom line is that we are physicalizing our authentic selves in the  material world now…cell by cell…and with so much energy channeling thru  our meridians we will just plain feel better if we up the ante with  regard to physical care.  If we heed this call to move our bodies on a  regular basis we will be supported to dislodge stuck energies and  release stored up toxins in a more effortless way.

I am also hearing that any part of our body that needs healing (love)  will most likely make its presence known to us during this cycle, if it  hasn’t already, and that we will be given the opportunity to release  traumatic cellular memories responsible for long-standing physical  ails.  Any primordial resistance (fear) we feel with regard to  embodiment will be highlighted for healing as well…mostly because we  need to ground ourselves before we can ground the life of our dreams. 

“The amount of time that it takes to fully embody your physical  vessel is directly proportionate to the amount of resistance you  uphold.  What we mean is this: for the physical body to integrate these  very high frequencies requires a deep level of surrender, of acceptance,  so that each cell can harmonize with the galactic forces of creation.   If there is resistance to holding, integrating these energies, the body  will buck in defiance and create great discomfort.  For this we  recommend a softening, an openness and a willingness to welcome and  embrace these energies fully…not a refusal of them.  Similar to  childbirth, relaxing into the discomfort will ease the stress on the  physical body during the intensive rebirthing process you are currently  undergoing.  Allow, allow, allow, is what we would say in response to  all resistance disguised as suffering.” -Seven Sisters

BioDynamic Intelligence

“What we would like for you to understand is this: the new human form  is one of dynamic constitution…it is a living, breathing entity of its  own accord and therefore requires a new level of communication and  relationship to maintain.  Your new system functioning is less about  ‘how’ you use it, but ‘why’.” -Seven Sisters

A 5D human differs greatly from a 3D human by way of consciousness and  self-responsibility…that is to say, the state of BEing awake and aware  of our multidimensional mind and motives.  “Why” we do anything matters  more than ever now since our intentions must be spawned from  heart-centered love in order to live in a harmonious flow of  life…love-based intention is the actual ‘programming’ that the  new-human prototype requires to function optimally.

The unseens have said to us many times in the past that our cells have  intelligence, and we are just beginning to learn how to work in  conscious cooperation with that intelligence as we develop a deeper,  more loving relationship with ourselves and come to honor the body as  the sacred temple it really is.

In this next phase we are going to be learning how to work in tandem  with our biology…that is not to say that our autonomous biological  functions will cease without our attention, just that everything works  better with our conscious participation.

What has changed?

Up until now, our biology has been largely operating on auto-pilot,  without our conscious participation, or what the star-beings call  ‘intentional programs’ which heighten or optimize our human-experience.

The new-human prototype is a biodynamic system of cellular intelligence  that works with or without intentional participation…however, just as  biodynamic farming produces a self-sustaining system with more vital,  nutritious, abundant, and even more effortless results when considering  the holistic interrelationship of soil, plants and animals in accordance  with celestial timing, so too does our biology work better when used in  a conscious, integrative way.

And this is what our next phase will be about…learning how to  consciously utilize and create balance within the body and thru the use  of intentional force-fields that will maintain our ability to exist  (w)holistically within a still-separated world. We first needed to  integrate the understanding that this was possible, and now the  knowledge of how this works will become known to each of us.

The point of being a 5th dimensional human is to exist within the 3d  dimensional world of form, but with conscious connection to the unity  field of intelligence.  This is what is so unique about this special  time on earth…that each of us is coming up on the ability to co-create  as the gods/goddesses that we truly are…and of course, while functioning  in a human body.  The benefits to this are vast, yet largely unknown  because this is something that is new to all of us…which is why the  unseens emphasize that this part of the journey is so exciting, because  we will be learning to do so many new things, as if for the first time.

Symptoms of the Merge

Since we are waxing all things physical, thought it might be helpful to  mention that… in addition to the heightened myriad of symptoms you may  be experiencing… there are also profound changes taking place within  the structure of our brains during this time.

If you have been experiencing unusual bouts of vertigo, unsteadiness,  dizziness, sinus discomfort, blurred vision, inability to read or focus,  burning/watery eyes, skull/eye pressure, ear aches,  headaches/migraines, or out-of-body estrangement…most likely its  related to what the Pleiadians refer to as “symptoms of the merge”.

The sun acts as a transmitter of  light codes that are interpreted by  our pineal and pituitary glands which have been continually stimulated  thru recent cycles of intensive  solar activity.  You may have noticed  an inability to stay in the sun  for very long during these periods, or  an overstimulated nervous system (anxiety, jitters, ungroundedness,  etc.)  for seemingly no reason.   As with all symptoms, they subside  once our body can assimilate the frequencies.

Apparently our brains are physically morphing from a reptilian  (primitive) brain to what they call the “brain of a galactic  over-seer”…the main difference they say, is in the computing and level  of comprehension and the actual mutation is activated thru the merging  of sacred (polar) forces of energy.

As the energies of the pineal (feminine) and pituitary (masculine) meet  in what is commonly referred to as the Mystical Marriage…or the  opening of our ‘sacred inner-sight’…we are also (surprisingly) able to  see these light codes in a very literal way.

If you have been waking in the middle of the night from a blindingly  bright inner-light behind your eyes that you can’t shut off…kind of  like someone is shining an industrial sized flashlight inside your  brain, from the top of your crown…chances are the birth of your  multidimensional  consciousness, the passage into the fifth dimension  and beyond, is being initiated.

This can also accompany a firm pressure on both the crown and the brow  and sometimes this light is audible as well…as in the humming of a  very high frequency that is also pretty annoying, but oddly  interesting.  This can be a bit startling if you don’t know what is  happening, but the unseens say that these increasing pituitary/pineal   radiations (light from the higher dimensions) are a natural part of the  ‘sacred embodiment” stage, or the “realization of our divine body”.

Ultimately, when the merging is complete, spirit & matter unify as  the multidimensional forces  of spiritual light merge with the physical  matter of our third dimensional brain, and we are home free.

To still hanging on…even if by a thread….


P.S.  Another heads up that some potentially beefy solar flares are expected to hit the planet by 7/30-31…just in time for the new moon. yay.

Copyright © 2008-11. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

LOVE takes the Lead: the return of feminine power

Lauren C. Gorgo, July 11, 2011

July really came in with a bang…pun intended.  Speaking of fireworks… a heartfelt thank you for all the birthday wishes from each and every one of you and from all over the world. Every single email was a precious gift, and I lit up like birthday cake for each one.  There is so much love in this community that its hard to take it all in, in one sitting, so I read these letters for days on end…which made my special day feel like a special week. (Tho, with the compression of time, the 4th really felt like an eighth, so I  s e r i o u s l y  had to milk it.) Anyway, thank you all for being beautiful.

To Hell in a Handbasket

“You have undergone a potent combination of lunar, solar and planetary events that has completely restructured your emotional reality… events that initiated and precipitated deep stirrings within the human core.  This stirring is bringing up some deep wounds for release, both personally and collectively, and as a result, many are now opening to realize their true selves as separate from the many karmic mis-creations that previously held you bound. A congratulations is definitely in order.”
-Seven Sisters of Pleiades

One of things that the unseens have been unapologetic for since day one, is the fact that this process is worth it…no matter what we go thru, or how battle worn we are, they make it clear that it is well worth every inch of chub pain/struggle/challenge and that in the end, we will actually thank ourselves and each other for making this bold choice. Personally, I am still on the fence about that notion, but in my estimation they really do seem to understand human suffering because if they didn’t, I highly doubt they would stick around thru all the contemptuous rage & cynicism I dish out about this process…yet, irregardless, they continually affirm over and again that the view is well worth the climb, even if we can’t exactly feel that yet.  So this is me saying to you that if you tried to jump last week, I totally get it, but we are so close to donning our robes that throwing in the towel at this final hour would just suck…and besides, you would wake up on the other side thinking…”duh”.

“We understand the pain of transformation and the struggle to swim against the collective tide of consciousness, but we would like to remind those on the front line that there is much to be grateful for, to look forward to, and that your participation in planetary ascension is not without reward.  How could it be any other way?  We understand that in the throes of such intense purification that it is difficult to access those feelings, but we are always here to remind you that each of you understood the outcome AND the path to arrive here, and that your choice was made knowing that the outcome FAR outweighed the challenges. Trust in yourselves and trust in where this process is taking you.” -Seven Sisters

Tho the last 4 weeks may have sent you to hell and back, I look at it more like bearing-down-to-push-thru-the-birth-canal (hence all the grounding lower back pain and pelvic cramps).  The pressure we are feeling is/was enormous… like the transformation of coal (carbon) to a diamond (crystalline)…and just to give you some perspective of the magnitude of this process, the transformation of carbon to diamond takes millions of years to complete. ((gulp)) We are the midwives of this ascension process, as well as those giving birth to a new world, which means, above all, we have the responsibility of pacing our emergence with the natural rhythm of our contracting (earth) body…and fortunately/unfortunately, its waaaay too late for an epidural : ((

The good news is that the intensity we felt thru the final eclipse in Cancer (archetypal mother) was not without cause in that we are arriving in LOVE, and the unseens say that this is in part due to a permanent release from karma…and as a result of that, we are beginning to feel the first signs of freedom from the heaviness, a lightening of our load, and a reconnection to our creative passions.  This means we are about to meet our true selves, as if for the first time!

We are beginning to build a relationship with the new beings we have become and this relationship is a very balanced and sacred one that will accurately be reflected back to us thru new balanced and sacred relationships with others and with the material world.  “As above, so below…as within, so without” is not just some new age platitude…its physics.

Hath No Fury…

God-dess only knows how, but we made it thru the eclipse sandwich without getting eaten…altho that doesn’t mean we didn’t get a few bites taken out of us, especially as we entered the emotional waters of July.  With such an indecent combination of celestial events simultaneously taking place, it could feel…on a good day…like getting caught up in a violent cosmic rip tide. We just endured quite a heavenly cocktail, my friends…solar/lunar eclipses, the solstice, a cardinal grand cross, CME/solar flares, a comet flew into the sun..even a finally-visible and apparently “the-most-intense-ever-seen-earth-sized-thunderstorm” on Saturn made headlines…one that Geoff Brumfiel at hilariously calls: “one bad mutha shut-yo-mouth of a thunderboomer”…lol)

If you were relaxed/trusting enough to swim WITH the current, it definitely took you somewhere destined…tho maybe unexpected…even if you are still finding your footing here.  If you swam against the tide, whew…you either drowned a few times or got tumbled and beat up pretty bad.  Either way, you most likely ended up at the same place…with or without the battle wounds of resistance.  That’s the beauty of the ascension choice, btw…either way, we arrive where we need to be. The process can be like a stern father forcing us to eat our peas….either we can do it willingly or we can sit at the table until dawn.  My suggestion?  Eat the peas!!  …at least when its our “choice” we can maintain some semblance of self-respect.

The incredibly cardinal Cancerian emotional undercurrent of July…and the return of our divine feminine power…has become quite a force to be reckoned with the last few years as the heart gathers momentum in preparation to take the lead.  This month we are being asked to step up and give this sacred feminine force a voice, to stop keeping her small and allow her, her rightful throne.  ((insert Beyonce’s “Girls Who Run the World” theme song here))

For the goddess energy to emerge in all her empowered glory requires quite a bit of momentum (hence three eclipses in Cancer, three years in a row) to break thru the deeply layered crust of masculine-dominated paradigm structures that were honored over the course of his-tory…and that momentum felt like it came to a crescendo on the solar eclipse of July 1st…it felt like just the right amount of masculine (solar) energy required to push us all beyond our e-motion-al comfort zones, to say what we REALLY feel, even if that meant without a shred of grace.

We all were given exactly the opportunities we needed to put our hearts in first place, which of course meant digging up some deep emotional sludge and clearing out whatever else is holding us back from our personal truth.  Core feminine wounds…especially around powerlessness…erupted, and in some cases they may have been disguised as volatile projections, but the emotional turbulence beneath them was a clear indication of the depth and importance of this particular clearing cycle.  In some cases, this was THE wound of all wounds that erupted…the one that you swore was gone, but still clearly had teeth.  Hopefully you didn’t bite anybody, but even if you did, you still have a few days (until the full moon on the 15th) to see, embrace and coddle all your remaining loveless “lady” parts…and to return any vital pieces of human flesh you borrowed.

Things That Go BUMP in the Night

The partial solar eclipse in Cancer definitely created a wave of powerful cathartic energies that washed over the planet and her people for the purpose of blasting out some deep emotionally-lodged feminine wounds trapped in the collective consciousness of humanity…and unfortunately that also meant some confrontational energies in the spirit realms as well. 

Some scary-ass-stuff came up too…depending on your level of psychic sensitivity and the strength of your personal/energetic boundaries, you may have experienced the collective part of this purging in a not-so-fun way. It was almost like the boogie-man was back and all those childhood fears of the dark returned with what felt like extreme psychic vulnerability, menacing energy attacks, eerie visions, and unsolicited contact with the less-than-enlightened astral-folk poking around in the ethers. This, for me, meant a lot of sleeping with the tv on…something that I haven’t done since, well…last month.  Unfortunately, however, these astral-dwellers seem adept at manipulating electronics, so I quickly learned that the tv is not always guaranteed protection from poltergeists and goblins…in fact, sometimes it even encourages unwelcome activity.

These energies are really nothing to fear…try telling yourself that at 3am : 0… but they can be startling and usually accompany a large clearing of feminine energy like the one we are still in the midst of.  The unseens say that these are just trapped souls that are given a hall pass to heaven during these energy shifts…but on the way from the classroom to the lavatory they take a mischievous detour to play a few pranks on the pagans, stoners and goths.

I like to think of these interactions as conversations with a negative neighbor…not necessarily scary, but something to avoid when possible.  And if it ever goes beyond that, remember to whip out your wand and bathe your energy and space in the violet fire…which btw, is suddenly very powerful now.  I assure you that no dark energy can hold up to the transmutational power of violet alchemy where we stand.  In fact, you may even want to brush the dust off those old sorcery books and give another whirl at casting magic spells because our powers are starting to work in very noticeable ways.

And if you are not familiar with/accustomed to using the magnificent violet fire, and feel bullied by the lower-astral energies, sometimes these spirits just need to be shown who’s boss. As with most things, I tend to go over-board and so I will whip out all my tools at once in a panic…but really all that’s needed is a solid boundary. If you just fill up your space with your energy…meaning, make your energy VERY BIG and felt…which usually amounts to a sincere telepathic “PISS-OFF!”, you’ll be golden.  And yes, these energies respond well to anger because they speak that language, but its more about solidifying boundaries and closing any gaping holes in our energy field that let these little suckers in. Learning to master our energy means mastering our participation with the seen AND unseen worlds…this month is a perfect time to practice your powers in the dark. 

All We Need is Love

“Now that you have had the ability to bring up the remaining density that existed in your emotional body, you will have the opportunity to release yourself from it…and to replace it with love.” -Seven Sisters

One of the greatest rewards of the passage we were just dragged by our faces thru is the anchoring of self-love…a new feeling of acceptance, solidified personal boundaries, and even sacred bodily ownership  that many of us have never felt before.  This feeling of self-love is just starting to seep into our cells, and is responsible for the magnetic attraction of so many new things that will cascade into our lives…from new relationships, to new levels of abundance, and all of those things required to sustain/enjoy our new-human experience.

This is actually pretty exciting, and if you have had the pleasure to even taste a tiny morsel of this sweetness, you may notice that this energy is subtly recreating our patterns/responses/perceptions to align with our authentic core in total self-acceptance…and therefore more acceptance of others.  This can manifest as feelings of emotional surety, of clear boundaries and understanding fully what is ours and what isn’t…which also spawns the support/confidence to release ourselves from toxic energies/relationships/jobs and anything else that is not in alignment with our divinity.  In other words, now’s the time to act on any inner-impulse to set yourself FREE.

You may also suddenly have a deep, integrated, and even cellular understanding about how co-creation begins with this level of self-love….kind of like new software has been installed and suddenly things we have been talking about for years just make sense on a much deeper level.  Once we have integrated this truth fully, and light fills every cell of our bodies, we have attained the self-love quotient required to unlock the chamber of magic that lives in our hearts…and when we do, we are able to fully participate in the outer world thru the resonance of oneness. 

This internal opening is a precursor to conscious creation…one that we are currently undergoing as an integral transition into the unity fields of potential. Not only that, but right now… in this snapshot of “time”…the entire cosmos is supporting us to birth ourselves into this new world of our conscious making.  Our job, for a couple more weeks, is to cauterize any remaining feminine wounds with the nurturing and loving energy of the divine mother in preparation to meet the masculine energies of fiery Leo at the end of the month where we will have the opportunity to see just how far we’ve come in letting our hearts lead.

The Heart Takes the Lead

“What is important to understand , is that your ability to master the physical realms, to step fully into your roles as co-creators, depends solely on your activated love-quotient.  Which essentially means that your ability to remain true to your inner calling, and to design the world that you have envisioned for yourselves is wholly contingent upon the condition of, the strength of, the connection of… your heart. Take not these words as indications of niceties, that is to say, love is not the application of those things generally regarded as “pleasant”….LOVE is an indication of, the reflection of, your internal connection to…TRUTH…the merging of the lower self with the higher self which becomes the internal & external representation of All That Is.”  -Seven Sisters

More than anything, the Pleiadians want us to understand that the heart is our guide now. Period. They say this so that we will realize the impact that our feelings now have on our creative potential and that our creative powers lie “whole-heartedly” within our feeling-based center…which means that love is the only (positive) way forward.  When we bypass, or rise above causality and enter into resonance creation, we are finally at a place in our evolutionary development where every “reality” we co-create with is simply an indication of where we are putting our energy…and the material world, a rapid and vivid reflection of that.  With this understanding, the physical dimensions become a powerful petri dish of potential, but that potential can only be nourished and brought to fruition with the proper balance of love. ((that should help us sleep at night : ))

I am told that very soon, things are not going to work as we might have “thought” they would, but more by way of how we always “felt” they would…which is why we have to trust so completely in the interpretations of our feeling center. The mind has been rewired to send and receive signals from the heart, which means those new human prototypes are going to be disseminating the love-force of energy here to redirect humanity to its destination vibration.

Which is also why it is super important to trust in/take steps toward/act upon what “feels good” now…those things we are in complete “resonance” with…not what “seems” good on the outside, or to/by others.  We are being strongly urged to only make the choices that set us on fire, or at the very least, create a stirring of possibility and excitement deep within us…those opportunities/choices that increase our capacity to love and to share our YOUnique essence with others.

“Never before has there been such a grand opportunity to actualize your full potential as co-creators of christed consciousness, and we stand before you as representatives of home, reminding you that you need not accept anything less than your full-hearts desires.  As you find the courage to make decisions that honor these desires, the universe shifts to match your request and supports miraculously arrive.  But the choice must be made, and the energy will follow, long as you trust completely in the gift of grace that is so heavily supplied to you. Be fierce in your determination to claim whats inherently yours.”
-Seven Sisters

Up until this point, we were able to utilize the tremendous strengths of the divine feminine to completely alter our internal landscape and restructure our lives to align with our truth by following the guidance of our feeling-center. We were (self)-taught to engage in our mastery by using the alchemy of “magic”…that of creating a complete transformation from a space of stillness. We were required to “remember” that true/lasting change comes not by force, but by allowing…and the seasoned magician knows with certainty that for any physical change to occur, it must come from a deeply internal place of merging of divine and human will.

And tho we were definitely blessed with an abundance of feminine energy to make these necessary changes, it was only by barely maintaining our flow to the sacred masculine during the massive internal excavation, that we were able to survive…but not truly thrive.  That’s changing now.

We are stepping into unified consciousness which means that the masculine must now come-on-line to support the feminine….which is why I imagine the unseens keep repeating that the rest of this year will be so “physically” focused.  Tho the feminine (heart) remains at the seat of creation, the masculine puts those forces into play, which means that we are now coming to know, to understand the externalized power associated with the masculine principle as a balanced and supportive force for the divine feminine, not as the controller OF it.

“This next passage is thru the heart which means a great internal restructuring has occurred and many may find themselves in unfamiliar territory.” -Seven Sisters

We are restoring the balance of Shakti/Shiva…and tho the divine feminine (Shakti) must take her rightful place as the leader of creation in the world of form, this is in no way hierarchal or femininely monotheistic…because without the masculine principle (Shiva), the goddess energy is a raw, unsculpted, unmanifest force of potential that cannot fulfill its vocation.

Conversely, when the two polarities meet in the middle (heart), divine love is restored and rebirth (ascension) happens.  It is time.

Are you ready to know your greatness?


P.S.  I don’t want to bum anyone out, but also wanted to let you know that a CME is headed to earth and due to hit earths magnetic field on 7/12.  I don’t think its a biggy, but JIC you are feeling more “off” than usual, this may be why.

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Copyright © 2008-11. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Active Abundance

Jennifer Hoffman, July 11, 2011

We can live passively-waiting for things to happen or to get better, or actively-using our manifestation abilities to create the reality that we want in the next moment, no matter what appears to be happening in this one. Our life can be one of active abundance, where we are in a constant state of receiving effortless miracles every day, or passive abundance, where we seem to get what we want after a great deal of difficulty, at the last minute, receiving much of what we do not want or nothing at all.  The choice of active or passive abundance is ours and the results of our choices will be reflected in our reality.

The word abundance immediately brings to mind money and having everything we want (even those things we think are impossible). If we had abundance, wouldn’t we have a lot of money and all of our current lack would be replaced with things that brought us joy? Abundance exists in all things, including what we want and what we don’t want. We can’t judge abundance because it’s a universal principle. If we have no money then we have an abundance of lack. If we are unhappy then we have an abundance of sadness. Our lives reflect the abundance we have created in each moment and we have abundance in everything, including problems and chaos. If that is the state of our reality, then we are manifesting through the beliefs that create those things. Universal law doesn’t judge between conscious and unconscious creation, it simply responds to our energy and intention.

When we engage in active abundance we use the power of our thoughts to constantly focus on what we want in our lives. And no matter what our reality looks like at the moment, we know that it can be changed. To create abundance in what we think are ‘good’ things we must be active in the process and that includes being willing to trust and have faith while we focus on what we want, or walking through doors that open for us. Being passive in this process, waiting for ‘good things’ to happen, will bring us uneven results that may not be exactly what we want.

This week, consider the kind of abundance that you have in your life right now. If it is joy, peace and unconditional love, that’s wonderful. If not, what is your intention for your life and what are you doing to become an active participant in the process of creating abundance? Remember that abundance is not about money, it’s about being in the flow of all of the joy, peace, love and the other wonderful, fulfilling things that you want in your life. We must be active participants in the abundance process in order to manifest it in our lives, which means focusing our intention on what we want and walking, fearlessly, through the doors that open for us. Practice active abundance and you will manifest the miracles that you deserve and desire.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.

Act Your Age?

Jennifer Hoffman, July 11, 2011

Do you feel much younger than your physical age? Do you look at your parents and realize that you look, act and think much differently than they did at your age? Do you have problems knowing how to ‘act your age’ and can’t fulfill the expectations of what someone your age is ‘supposed’ to do? Welcome to the world of adult Indigos and Crystals, who are introducing new way of being for middle age and beyond because instead of being the twilight years, these are actually the dawn of a new life and lifestyle for us. We are an ageless generation whose physical age does not determine where they are in life and who can easily look, act and feel decades younger. While the media tries to promote 20 as the ideal age, we know better.

There was a time when 60 was considered old and 70 was ancient. But now 50 is where many of us feel that we finally able to live our life and instead of declining, we feel more powerful, confident and purposeful than we ever have before. We also feel like we are finally in control of our life and destiny and can start living the life that we want. Much of our life has been a healing journey which we are now completing and now we can be the passionate, creative, motivated and productive person we always wanted to be and knew that we could be, once the healing journey was over. So what age are we going to act? And we can act any age we choose because those are no longer boundaries for us.

The rules of behavior that have been expected of certain age groups do not apply to Indigos and Crystals. How do you act when your physical body is 60 but you feel half that age and you have the motivation, energy and confidence to accomplish what you would never have tried in your 20s? Since we are no longer assured of ‘retirement’ (and who wants to), will live far longer than previous generations and still have many things we want to do, what does someone ‘our age’ act like? Many of us are finally able to put energy into our dreams, or have the time and confidence to pursue them, at an age where previous generations were getting out their rocking chairs so they could spent their ‘twilight years’ on their porch, making ice cream with their grandchildren.

Most Indigos and Crystals are ‘late bloomers’, they don’t really embrace their energy, confidence and purpose until they are well into adulthood. For some of us that is happening now, even though we are 40, 50, 60 or older. Our physical age can be a reminder that we are getting ‘older’ or it can become the opportunity to shed our doubts and fears and begin to live a life unencumbered by ‘should haves’ and ‘didn’t dos’ because now we can. Age no longer matters; what does matter is how much you want something, how willing you are to live with passion and purpose and whether you can give yourself the gift of your dreams, knowing that with age comes wisdom and experience and in our case, the confidence to put our open hearts, passion for change and ability to dream big for ourselves and for the world to good use. So act the age that you feel is right for you, whatever that is, and open your heart to your potential, which is the gift of being an Indigo or Crystal.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.

The Many Paths of Healing

A message from Archangel Uriel channelled by Jennifer Hoffman

July 11, 2011

Each of you knows someone who appears to go effortlessly through life. They do not appear to have lessons to learn or have any major life issues. Their lives are not filled with worries and everything seems to be effortless for them. And they may not appear to have any spiritual connections, are not focused on their spiritual journey and yet seem to enjoy a life that you would like to create for yourself. Why, you may ask, do you have to be on a healing journey and not them? Why do you have to heal and they do not? Are they special or know something that you do not?

Each soul chooses its healing journey according to what it needs to experience in a lifetime. Each  journey is unique, reflecting that soul’s lessons and learning, wounds and need for healing. And each one can choose to experience a healing path or ignore it call, as well as choosing how that path will unfold and who will be involved. From your viewpoint another’s may appear to be so much easier than yours. But you are not aware of their soul’s healing commitment in this lifetime or what they have experience in other lifetimes. These details are hidden from you, as are the details of your soul’s healing journey hidden from others. Each healing journey is a process of learning, growth, transformation and ascension and while each is different, the purpose is the same, to help each one overcome fear, find and reclaim their power and to arrive at a greater spiritual understanding.

You heal because it is what your soul is called to do. This can be a difficult and painful process or it can be easy and painless. All of its aspects are optional and of your choosing, consciously or unconsciously. You do not have to experience pain in order to heal.  The person who appears to be experience a life without lessons could actually have made the choice to experience their healing journey without pain and chaos. Since you believe that healing is accompanied by pain, you choose that form of healing. You can choose other ways to heal that are far less painful and disruptive once you align your mind and spirit and make those choices.

Your healing journey also benefits everyone in your soul group. Each healing experience that you complete benefits you as well as all of those involved. Together, you have all chosen a particular healing journey. But how you experience the healing is up to you. When you choose to heal without pain, you grant the same choice to everyone in your soul group. As you learn to appreciate your lessons you can find the beauty in the healing process and you will know that you heal because it is the gift of the soul, an opportunity for you and all of humanity to learn to heal without pain, to live without fear and to move forward along your collective spiritual path. You heal because you have come to change the world and heal its emotional and spiritual wounds, which are a mirror of your own wounds. Each of you has the power to heal yourself, your soul group and the world. And you can do so without pain, gracefully, and move the world into alignment with its highest vibrations, align humanity with spirit, move into higher dimensions of being and ascend with grace and ease.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.

No Pain, No Gain

Jennifer Hoffman, July 11, 2011

If we want to have a tone and trim body, we have to suffer through long hours of exercise. If we want to be successful in any area of our life we must be willing to make painful personal sacrifices. If we want to do well in school we have to study hard.  If we believe the ‘no pain, no gain’ theory then we believe that anything that we want will be hard to acquire and that unless we work hard we will fail to get it.  Many of us have heard this message for so long that we believe it is true, to the point where we believe that if we do not work hard, sacrifice and suffer that we will not succeed in life. What is wrong with this picture?

Our reality is created through our beliefs so if we believe that pain must occur before we achieve our goals, we will spend time suffering before we receive our blessings. And the ‘no pain, no gain’ belief can extend into many areas of our life. We can even have the belief that we are a better person if we suffer or that the more we suffer the greater our reward will be. What we are just beginning to learn is that we can have the rewards without the suffering, and that the ‘no pain, no gain’ mentality is a thing of the past.

Think of one thing that you want to have in your life right now, perhaps a new car. If you believe that buying a new car means financial struggle then you have created a space for the pain to happen before the gain can occur. Yes, you need and want a new car but you will have to go through some pain in order to get it. Now, without the ‘no pain, no gain’ mentality, you simply focus on getting a new car. How is it going to come to you without suffering? Any number of ways, someone could give you a car or you could buy it at a very reasonable price from someone who needs to sell it quickly, or you could win one in a contest, etc.  Once we remove the belief that we have to experience pain to receive what we want, we are open to the limitless possibilities for what we want to come to us.

If we have the ‘no pain, no gain’ mentality, we essentially tell ourselves that pain is a prerequisite for all of the good in our lives. If that is the case, are there goals that we avoid or things that we do not ask for because we don’t want to experience the pain?  Once we rid ourselves of the ‘no pain, no gain’ mentality we can move forward through the manifestation process much more quickly because we can eliminate the pain and suffering and move on to enjoying what we manifest. It’s an easy process to identify-what do you think you have to suffer, emotionally, financially, materially or in terms of time or effort, to receive what you have asked for? That’s the pain. Let the Universe be your partner in co-creation, set your intention for what you want and create the space for them to roll into your life, painlessly.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.

Karen Bishop ~ Planetary Update 07-07-11

Karen Bishop

July 07, 2011

We have settled into a pattern with our evolutionary process (at
least until things change a bit, and then who knows how things will
unfold!). With so much cleared away in recent years, the last
tendrils are now experiencing this pattern, as we are most
assuredly all in this together. The pattern has been, and will be
for a while, all about cleansing.

Personal physical, mental, and spiritual cleanses will be ever
present, as will the cleansing of the earth. The pattern manifests
as a great pushing when the higher energies arrive, leaving us
feeling overwhelmed, strangely hysterical, tense and touchy, and
even as though we are swatting at some invisible flies. Boundary
issues arrive as well, as everything is being ousted from its
normal space by the pushing energies from above. We may feel like
crying, like there is nowhere that we remotely belong, and wonder
where in the world we are. We may become depressed and feel very
uncomfortable as so much darkness is up and out. Our surroundings
may feel strange, we may be unable to interact with others (feeling
bewildered and lost when we try), and our dreams at night may be
very strange as well, as there seems to be anyone and anything
showing up in them! And nothing, but nothing, feels remotely

After a phase of “pushing,” we are then in a new space, if ever so
slowly having arrived there in small and incremental steps. We
break through into new territory slowly but surely, arriving in
spaces and with interactions that begin to fit us so much better.
So then, after a pushing and cleansing phase is over, we may feel
great! We connect to the new in rapid time, anything we think about
shows up instantaneously, and there is more love and caring present
than in times past.

As we slowly but steadily push out the old, the new arrives,
whether in physical form or in regard to the new heart energy that
the new world will center around. Empty, fill, empty, fill, empty,
fill. This will be the pattern for quite some time. So even though
we may be feeling empty, shallow, hollow, and like a cardboard
cutout, we are simply emptying out in order to embody more of the
heart energy.

When the light arrives from above, it magnifies everything that
still exists. In this way, what is left of our personal imbalances,
or rather where we are not total heart energy within ourselves,
becomes over-exaggerated and comes to the surface. If we are a
domineering person, we become VERY domineering. If we like to be in
charge and dictate, we become much more of that trait. If we like
to share news, we cannot seem to shut up about whatever is
occurring around us. If we are a communicator, we begin to jabber
away like a rambling broken record! And if we like to assist
others, we OVER assist and cannot keep centered and still. These
higher energies that magnify so much, are also creating the “too
busy to keep up” experiences as well. In time, many will find that
being so busy is far too stressful, and this will assist in
bringing about the many changes that are needed on the planet. We
will once again return to simplicity and to what is really and
truly important. And know that feeling invisible is still a
fundamental experience of the ascension process!

Eventually, after much of everything is cleared away, the heart
energy will comprise the dominating energy that all of us embody,
and after this occurs, things will really begin to snowball with
the love energy taking over the planet. But until we reach this
threshold, be prepared for cleansings and more cleansings to

I have enjoyed bringing forth these messages for so many years, and
promised I would continue until I culminated and ended my prior
calling with this last book, Heart in the Night…so in this way, I
continued a bit longer than anticipated (my guides were very
adamant that this book be released before I moved on!). This work
for me then, is now complete. (My new space and new endeavor is
contained on the Gama Books website.) As we begin to find our own
ways within this new and different structure, we will soon come to
find that there are new spaces waiting just for us. Our old roles
are now over, and God and the universe will always, but always,
take care of us in times to come.

As this is my last e-mail message to you, know that this e-list
will be destroyed immediately after I post this message. Your
e-mail address has never, nor will ever be, shared or sold to
anyone. I shall dearly miss all of you! But for now ————–

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and
miracles in your life during these miraculous times…with my heart
to yours,


Karen Bishop

Emotional Intensity

Sarah-Jane Grace
28 June, 2011
As the planets continue their merry dance through the heavens it seems  that many of us have become stuck knee deep in mud, the mud is a kind of  cosmic sludge stirring up deep and profound emotions and feelings. This  is a time of powerful and extreme mixed emotions. Each of us is likely  to experience both ends of the emotional spectrum in the blink of an  eye. Some of us will be unfortunate enough to experience both at the  same time.There can be no denying that we are going through  change. It is all around us. It is perhaps the one constant in life.  Change; endings and beginnings, beginnings and endings. The cycle  continues with some intensity now as we are being challenged to face our  fears, to embrace our gifts and to step into the unknown.

At  the same time, there is a continuing need to de-clutter our lives on  every level as the need to travel lightly grows in importance. It is as  though we are being prepared to take a giant leap of faith and the less  baggage we have, the further we will soar. We can take baggage with us,  but it will give us back ache, it will make the journey more tiring and  we will most likely wonder why on earth we bothered to bring it when we  reach our chosen destination! We already have all we need; carrying  extra just gets in the way…

Emotions are peculiar things, we  strive to have happy emotions and often fear the not so happy ones, yet  it is often this latter category that propels us forwards, giving us the  motivation and determination to change our lives. It is important to  learn how to use our emotions in positive and life-enhancing ways now,  we are being presented with an opportunity to re-shape our lives on  every level, and it is up to us as individuals to either embrace this or  keep our heads snugly buried in the sand. Ignorance is bliss, but is it  really ignorance when we know it’s there but are choosing to ignore it  through fear or something similar?

As we continue to awaken (or  indeed to re-awaken), it seems that we need to embrace all aspects of  our Beings now. We need to love and honour ourselves and our emotions,  and we need to give thanks for, as well as use our, gifts and talents.  Life is for living, not for simply thinking about; and now is the time  to grab that proverbial bull by the horns and get on with it…

You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact information are always included.  Thank you for your courtesy. Sarah-Jane Grace

Copyright © 2006-2011 Sarah-Jane Grace. All Rights Reserved

Energy Forecast – Creating Instant Magic

ENERGY FORECAST by Emmanuel Dagher

July 2011 

Hi my beautiful friend,

Right  this very minute we are being gifted an  extraordinary opportunity to  connect with an overflow of luminous higher  frequencies pouring into  every nook and cranny of our glorious planet!  As mentioned in the last  forecast, we’ve now glided through some  noteworthy astrological  happenings (triple Eclipses/ Solstice/ Solar  Flares) that have launched  us into a whole new space where our thoughts,  ideas, dreams, &  desires are quickly being alchemized into our  physical experience.

Many of us are starting to palpably see that the time it takes for our   thoughts to materialize themselves into our life has sped up   drastically. It’s no longer a hypothesis or wishful thinking, it’s real,   and it’s happening now. The speeding up of time gives us absolute   confirmation that all our hard work and dedication for choosing to live   consciously and compassionately is paying off big time.

In the next few weeks & months, as even more people start to   re-member who they really are and move out of the limiting conditions   they’ve unconsciously created for themselves, time will continue to   speed up until we as a collective breakthrough the barrier of what we’ve   perceived as being linear time. Once we experience this collective   breakthrough, we’ll continue to move leaps and bounds in the direction   of no-time, also known as the Eternal Present Moment.

Freedom to Choose

One thing many of us have come to know as being certain is that the   Universe has always blessed us with the freedom of choosing our own   personal experiences. If we are someone who is still looking the other   way when it comes to accepting we are in fact the Creator of our life,   we may find that we’re still attracting a great deal of difficulty in   our lives. Why? The reason is by not accepting that we are the Creators   of our lives, we are giving our power away as we continue to prolong  the  archaic patterns of being a victim. When we are willing to take  full  responsibility for every experience in our lives, no matter how  easy it  may be to operate from a space of blame, we begin to empower  ourselves.  We begin to look at every experience as simply being  feedback from the  Universe. So, when we attract a circumstance into our  lives that we  don’t necessarily resonate with, we can now just use it  as feedback to  make another choice: it’s that simple. Wow, how much  lighter does that  feel for you?  Being in this space, we find that we  no longer need to  over react to every seeming challenge. Instead, we  begin to see these  challenges as amazing opportunities to fine tune  what we really do want  to attract and experience more of in our lives.

Instant Resolutions

For awhile, especially in the past few months we may have also noticed   that whatever seeming challenges we’ve been faced with, we’ve been able   to move through them much more quickly. Whether it’s an emotional   trigger or a health imbalance, instead of taking weeks, months, and even   years to resolve, now it’s taking minutes, hours, and days.

What could be causing this shift? The current shift is a direct result   of the tireless inner personal work we’ve been doing on ourselves for   many years. Because we are all connected, a domino effect of sorts is   happening. When just one person begins exploring a path to their truest   Divine Self, a spark is triggered & a space is created for another   person to awaken to their truest Divine Self.

The amount of light pouring into our planet as a direct result of the   high solar activity and the ever expanding nature of the Universe is   also a contributing factor to our ability to move through seeming   challenges more easily. All these factors are raising the vibration of   every living thing on the planet. In fact, we’ve already crossed over   into a whole new realm where it’s actually easier to focus on the magic   and wonder around us, as opposed to the heavier vibrations we may have   found comforting in the past. I’m sure we’ve noticed that it’s almost   impossible to remain in a space of doubt, worry, and fear for more than a   short period of time. And for those still extremely comfortable in the   old dense energies (only because it’s familiar and feels safe to  them),  will soon begin to find it more tiring to remain in such  vibrations.

The Key – Reuniting the Heart & Mind

The key to riding the amazing waves of high frequency at this time is  to   re-unite the mind with the heart. The idea is to let the heart lead   and for the mind to follow. Of course, this can seem a bit challenging   for the mind since it’s been condition to always be in control.  However,  that’s not to say we have to try to ‘fight’ against the mind  or view it  as something we have to move out of.  These beliefs have  been  internalized into our subconscious for thousands of years by  spiritual  and religious teachings. Some of these teachings have  preached to us to  look down at the mind and ego. Even some of the most  current well-known  spiritual teachers still speak of getting rid of the  mind/ego.

The challenge  here is that when we try to ‘get rid’ of something, we are  creating  resistance against it, which actually gives the thing we’re  trying to  get rid of more power. The reality is, the mind/ego at its  core is a  gift. Do you think the Universe that creates us in its perfect  image  would give us anything less than perfect? So, why would the  ego/mind be  anything less than perfect?

The original purpose of the ego was to be the observer of this third   dimensional reality. Without it, we would not fully experience our sense   of sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch.  Our senses are pretty   miraculous gifts to have, don’t you think? However, over these thousands   of years something seemed to shift with the role of the ego. Where as   before it was about being the Divine Observer of our reality, we  somehow  ended up forgetting and moved into survival mode, so the ego’s  main  objective became about survival. Then why are we trying to get rid  of  the ego?

The ego is  like a 5 year child. That’s usually the age a child thinks  they know  everything right? So, imagine a 5 year old child who thinks  they know  everything, is presented with a seeming challenge. That child  is going  to do what she/he knows best to protect herself/himself. That  is  exactly what the ego has been doing. It has been trying to protect us   through doubt, worry, fear, stress, belief in lack, etc… because   that’s how it knows to keep us safe. Subsequently, instead of being so   hard on ourselves that this is happening, we can now thank our ego/mind   for trying to keep us safe the best way it knows how. The quicker we  are  able to move into this awareness, the less resistance we’ll receive   from our ego. Then, we can begin to make peace with our ego. We can   begin to embrace it as being part of us. Soon enough, our ego will   return back to its highest purpose of being the Divine Observer of our   reality making it easy to allow the heart to lead and for the mind to   follow. It’s in the heart where eternal bliss resides.

Letting Go of inhibitions

Therefore, with all of that being shared, we can now give ourselves  full  permission to let down our energetic armor and embrace the magic   happening all around us. It’s officially time to come out of hiding and   play instead. By playing more, we open ourselves back up to the magic   and wonder happening all around us.

Till next time,

Miraculously Yours,


©2011 Emmanuel Dagher, All Rights Reserved – You are absolutely welcome to share these forecasts with others as you feel guided! Thank you!