“Be” Where You Are

by Jennifer Hoffman, January 31, 2011


The presence of your physical body is also the presence of your spirit  the place where you are in the material world is where all of your aspects exist. You are your most powerful when your aspects exist in integrity and harmony with the highest vibrations of your soul’s desire for you. But you judge your reality as being more or less powerful, joyful or peaceful and then believe that when you are not at that level of being your life will be better elsewhere. The present place is the place where you live your life and to experience the fullness of your learning and ascension you must learn to be where you are.

Thinking that your life will be better at another time, in another place or when you have ascended or reached higher vibrations removes you from the most powerful place you can be, in the present moment. There are reasons you have chosen this experience, the place you are in, your soul group and the reality you have created. Your purpose is not to focus on the future and hope that it will be better, it is to use the energy of the present and shift it into its highest possible expressions. Everything exists in multiple vibrations and your intention to connect to the highest ones will allow you to be in alignment with them.

The victim paradigm is one that humanity has lived with for eons, it is the foundation of the third dimension and is also why there is free will. But when free will is used to perpetuate the victimhood you have all suffered through, then you believe that life beyond what you know is better and that when you reach that place you will be blessed. The blessings you seek are where you are, when you can learn to “be” where you are and find your power, strength and courage in each moment.

The most powerless situations express your victimhood and that is where you resonate until you can find a higher expression for your energies. How can you be powerful within this moment and place, transform the energy and stay mindful of the present instead of trying to escape into the future? All of your power and your ascension exist in this moment, so be within it, learn from its energies, choose those you wish to experience and let the transformation begin. You have chosen this place, this moment and this lesson for your soul’s healing and growth. If you are not fully within it, you are not within your life purpose and path. And as soon as you can “be” in this moment, you create new possibilities for the release of the victim paradigm and new realities where you express your highest energies to create your highest potential.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included.

Should I, Can I, May I?

by Jennifer Hoffman, January 31, 2011


Destiny is the pre-written script of our life but it is really a guideline for the energies that we have to transform in our lifetime. It is not destiny that we have to overcome, but some very strong beliefs about how we punish ourselves for our ‘sins’. More important is the idea that we need permission from someone, including God, to forgive ourselves, release the past and consider other, destiny-free options for our life. The fact that we are considering other options means that we are ready for them. What we have to learn is no one is going to give us permission or a guarantee that we will be successful. The only thing we have to do is be willing to try.

When we can ask the question we are ready for the answer. So asking the question “should I do this” means that there has already been an energetic shift around the situation and we are ready for something else. Change is usually fueled by false courage, when we are tired, frustrated or angry enough to allow it to happen. The question “can I do this” is our first sticking point. If we have done things a certain way for so long, can we do something different? We wont’ know until we try and unless we are willing to try we will never know.

The more difficult question is “May I do this” and this is where we look for guidance and support from anyone who will listen. We can talk to friends and family, our spiritual guidance team and ourselves about what we plan to do and how we want to do it but we are really looking for permission and validation. Will someone tell us it is a good idea and then smooth the path for us? Our human supporters will give us their opinion; our spiritual supporters may be silent because they know we don’t need permission. And if we keep asking for it we will receive confirmation of our fear and lack of confidence.

With ascension we are moving out of destiny’s path into one of our own choosing, away from the limitations and fear of doing what we have always done (and expecting a different outcome) to putting our energies towards creating the outcome we want. This is manifestation and it happens when we step out of our guilt and shame energies, do the healing work and then let it all go so we can be on a different path. We don’t need permission from anyone, except ourselves, to look at our life and realize that we don’t like what we see, then take the steps, starting with our beliefs about deserving a more joyful, peaceful, loving future and releasing ourselves from the path of destiny, to change it.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included.

The Energies of February

by Jennifer Hoffman, January 31, 2011


Can you believe that January is over? It went by so quickly and that will be the case for this year as we continue to break down the boundaries of linear time and begin to understand how to manifest what we want. I’ll share my recent manifestation story on this week’s radio show-I’ve been asking for easy access to a yoga studio and I found one! But if I hadn’t been paying attention I would have missed it. Listen to the show to find out how I created this and how you can use the powerful energy of manifestation that is available now to manifest what you want.

February begins with a new moon and the Chinese New Year, a very auspicious time for all of us because there is so much energy focused on new opportunities. Use the energy on that day (Feb. 3) to set your intention for the year but more importantly for your life in this moment. Do you want to be happier, feel better about yourself, and have more fulfilling relationships? When you set this type of intention you let the Universe bless you with miracles. And when you keep your focus on the present moment, you are using your energy in the most powerful way. You have no power in the future because it is the present moment that matters.

We will see the expression of a lot of anger in February as people begin to see where they have allowed themselves to be limited and their anger will be directed towards those who they think have been their source of pain. This is the point where change can begin but getting beyond the anger may be difficult. Anger without spiritual understanding is simply the expression of fear. It takes the application of a higher vibration to use anger constructively, as a vehicle for change. And of course this is the month of Valentine’s Day, when we can wallow in self pity because we haven’t had a relationship in a long time or set our intention to create one.

The world around us and our individual worlds may appear to be full of angry people this month. Our goal will be to understand that we can be the object of someone’s anger but we are not responsible for their feelings, emotions or beliefs. Be detached, do not allow yourself to get involved in situations that move you into energies that you do not want to be part of. Be selective with your energy and allow the people who are moving out of your life to do so. This year is about choice, how do we choose to live, who is part of our lives, what kinds of energies we want around us and to experience them in our reality. Remember that you are powerful, and you can use this month’s powerful energies to create it. Have a great month.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included.

Who Do You Judge? ~ Jennifer Hoffman

a message from Jennifer Hoffman

A friend recently paid me a very nice compliment when she said that she could talk to me about anything because I never judged her. I had not really thought about it before but it’s true, I don’t judge others because I feel that if they confide in me it’s because they want someone to talk to and gain another perspective but taking that any farther gets into areas I don’t feel that I have the right to delve into. Who am I to say whether someone is right or wrong, what their behavior says about them or to criticize or judge them based on what is going on in their life?

And this week I have had several client readings in which the issue of judgment, how they judge themselves and Universal judgment, came up. The issue of judgment is really quite simple, we are told that we should not judge anyone, including ourselves. Whenever we judge, we create an energetic block that stops all movement beyond the point of judgment. So the energy is stuck until we do or say something to move it.

But the most difficult aspect of judgment for us to understand is that the Universe never judges us. That means there is no good or bad, right or wrong, better or worse. We are all equal in the eyes of the Universe, which is a source of comfort but it has its drawbacks because the Universe doesn’t judge us in any way, nor does it judge anything we do or ask for. And that extends to not preventing ‘bad’ things from happening to us.

Because there is no bad and because we are always seen as perfect and everything we do is the right and best thing for us at that time.

You’ve often heard me say that the Universe doesn’t care if we want a glass of water because we’re thirsty or a new house because we need a place to live. All things are equal and receive equal attention, including our judgments. So whatever we ask for is given to us because we asked for it. Judging anything prevents us from learning everything we need to know about it. Judging others is one way we criticize ourselves for not being ‘enough’ and what we see in others with our critical eyes is what we need to be aware of in ourselves.

There is no overseer to tell us that we are making a wrong choice, a bad decision, that we may not like the consequences of what we are doing or that there is a more powerful option available. This is non-judgment and it is how the Universe works with us. It is up to us to ask ourselves whether we are choosing well, to always set our intention for what we want and to be aware of ourselves as powerful, divine and perfect. Each thing we experience prepares us for the next step on our path, so there can be no right or wrong steps because we take each one based on what we need to learn from that situation. What we learn from our pain prepares us to make a less painful choice the next time (or not, then we get to experience the pain one more time).

It would be wonderful if the Universe maintained a dialogue with us that guided us through the tough times, helped us with our difficult choices and made sure we were always on the ‘right’ path. And it does, through our inner guidance which we can hear if we are listening. But what is the ‘right’ path? It’s the one we are on right now. Sometimes the worst thing that happens is the best thing that can happen and when we make judgments we prevent ourselves from seeing the bigger picture. Our inner compass will always point us to the path that serves our healing and we have a choice as to the amount of pain that involves. When we stand in judgment of anything, we add another painful option to this learning.

Who do you judge as being better or worse, richer or poorer, more right or wrong, than you are? If you knew that your judgments stop the energy from moving in your life, would you be more or less willing to judge? If you knew how damaging your self-judgments were, would you be more aware of how you judge yourself?

Can you go an entire day without judging anything about yourself, and see yourself as perfect in every way, which is how the Universe sees you? Can you refrain from judging every person you encounter and see them as perfect in every way, which is how the Universe sees them?

I would like to challenge each of you, for one day, to look at yourselves in the mirror and tell yourself that you are gorgeous, talented, special and accomplished, to see yourselves in the same perfection that the Universe sees you with. Then look at everyone around you and refrain from judging anything about them, send your challenging life mates a special blessing and remember that they are doing the best they can in this moment, just like you. And then see how you feel at the end of the day. If you feel great, then do it the next day. Imagine what the world would be like if we didn’t judge anyone or anything…

Keep the faith, we’re all in this together and time is moving quickly. Become the observer in your life as you stay focused on your path.

In these interesting and transformational times, we can be overwhelmed by what is happening in our lives but there are always other solutions. Here are a few things to help you get through the difficult moments in your life:

Stay calm, focused, detached and aware and remember your thoughts are creating every moment of your life. Think the best ones.

As you ponder this and the other things that are happening at this time remember to:

Accept all gifts of understanding with gratitude and use them to apply forgiveness, release and healing to every situation.

Ask for guidance and confirmation and then wait for it to come to you.

Above all, be grateful for this opportunity to be part of humanity’s amazing shift in consciousness as we all ascend into the miracle vibration.

Many blessings in these miraculous and amazing times,

Jennifer Hoffman

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included.

Destiny or Destination? ~ Jennifer Hoffman

a message from Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman

Destiny is a word that you may use to describe the path which the story of your lifetimes of suffering and limitation, challenges and fear. And it can be that, but there are other choices, for your destiny can be your destination but your destination is not written in your destiny. Destiny is written in your karma, the history of your human experience and the hope that you can fulfill your desire to become the expression of your highest potential. This destiny has been a long held and unfulfilled hope but it is one possible destination, among many others.

You can choose the destiny of your human experience or the new path your soul has long held for you, that is another destination of your choosing. Although you have a path that is engraved in your heart and cellular memory it is in conflict with the path your soul has intended for you, which is accessible by releasing fear. Each moment contains the potential for a new destination or to follow the path of your destiny.

It is the destination of your destiny to find challenge within your soul group, as well as the potential for a new destination within a new soul family. Your relationship destiny has always been with those who break your heart until you choose a destination with loving, whole partners. It is your life destiny to know limitation, poverty and lack until you create a destination of unlimited abundance and create your heart’s desires.

There is no force in the universe that can foretell your destination because it is your choice to live within your destiny, experiencing the past in the present, or creating new destinations that have as yet been unknown to you. Yet even within these unknown destinations is a common thread that is the blessings of peace, unconditional love, and joy, which your soul knows is a potential for you and for all of humanity. Choose your destination and your human destiny can remain in the past. Because it is within your spiritual destiny that your ascension has already been written and through it you can let your light shine brightly to light the way to the destination you choose.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included.

Expect the Best and Be ‘Great-Ful’

a message from Jennifer Hoffman

January 24, 2011


We are at the end of the first month of 2011, during which you may or may not have seen changes happening in your life. If not, hang on because the year is just beginning. Getting the results you want in your life will depend on how you manage your expectations and whether you can think big enough to fill the shoes you want to create. It’s not enough to dream big, we also have to have big thoughts and beliefs, be willing to take big, bold action and learn to expect the best instead of fearing the worst or settling for the small piece when we really want the whole pie.

We limit ourselves in so many ways when we are afraid to be great and to experience the full expression of our own greatness. Each one of us can remember an incident where life, in the form of a challenge, person or situation, reminded us of many ways that we ‘can’t’. And each one of those incidents is a source of fear that they will be repeated in the future. But if we don’t give them any energy, can they happen? Do we deliberately create what we fear to limit ourselves from experiencing more of what we are afraid of?

Managing expectations is tricky because we tend to expect specific outcomes instead of expecting ‘this or something better.’. And we also tend to be prepared for the worst instead of being prepared for miracles. When we judge the outcome and then judge ourselves for creating it we block the flow of our greatness, limit our self expression and feel stuck because the energy in our life can’t move as it wants and needs to. Every aspect of your soul wants to express its greatness and is waiting for you to answer its call. Are you listening?

Can you see yourself as ‘great’ in whatever you are doing? Not from the perspective of the outcomes you have at this moment, but from the perspective that you create a great reality from your greatness within. It’s already there, you do not have to do anything to create it, what you have to do is connect to it and allow it to be expressed. It might seem like a huge task but it is really effortless once you stop limiting yourself by thinking small, reminding yourself of the past and blocking the flow of energy when it wants to move in a big way. This is your year to be great and to experience the fullness of your great-ness, so be willing to think and dream big and you will create the reality that matches your big thoughts.

How Big Is That Problem?

There was some great feedback to this week’s Ascension Insight, which you can read on my Facebook fan page, entitled ‘The Road is Cleared, Now How do I Get There?’ The topic is how I cleared my very long, snowy driveway (with help) and what I learned during that experience about how to overcome the overwhelm that comes with facing a huge task and not knowing where or how to begin. When we are faced with a big issue, the first question we can ask is how big is it really?

The truth of how big anything really is, is relative to the person. For example, cooking dinner for twelve would seem impossible to someone who doesn’t know how to cook. But for someone who does, it is fairly easy. A few months ago I got ready to leave my house, walked into the garage and noticed my car had a flat tire. I wasn’t going anywhere until that tire was changed and while I know how to do that, the tires on my car weigh over 70 pounds each and that’s a little too heavy for  me.

The situation seemed hopeless and I was ready to cry (which would not have helped change the tire). My alternatives were to change the tire myself so I could drive my car to a service station to get the tire fixed or find someone to help me. It was the middle of the day and all of my neighbors were gone. So I called my car insurance agent to get the name of a tow company and she said that she would call someone for me and it would be free because the service was covered under my policy. Wow, that was a surprise. The tow truck driver had the tire changed in less than 15 minutes. My huge problem was, for him, just another service call. And he said it was an easy job since the car was in my warm and dry garage. In fact, he was grateful to have such an easy service call! Imagine that.

What does ‘big’ mean to you? How do you know how big it is, and is it really as big as you think it is? Sometimes what we think is overwhelmingly impossible is something that is just beyond our abilities in that moment and it has a gift for us, to allow us to expand our energy. The question for us is what do we need to learn to overcome this situation and create the way to resolve it, which may mean we learn to do something new or learn to ask for help and let the Universe step in and help us. What big problem are you facing this week? How big is it and what is its gift to you? Then, how can you create the solution by co-creating an effortless path to the road you know has been cleared for you?

Are You A Seeker? by Jennifer Hoffman

a message from Uriel, channeled by Jennifer Hoffman

January 24, 2011


In your lifetimes you follow the path of the seeker, looking for the things you hope will give you the peace, comfort and solace of what you remember from your spiritual home. But your life can feel like an endless quest as you look for answers from things that are questions waiting for your answer. You cannot find what you seek because you do not really know what you are looking for, it is a memory or feeling that you are trying to find on earth. But what you are seeking is yours to create and bring to earth.

You can seek love in the world but the world is looking for the gift of love that you bring to it. Peace does not exist in the world, because you create peace, and the world seeks peace from you. Every time you seek joy you are often disappointed because joy is waiting for you to create it; joy is not found as an answer to your question, it is the answer you create when you allow joy to be an energy on earth. The path of the seeker ends when the seeker realizes one important truth, that the one who asks the question is also the one who has the question’s answer.

Why do you ask the Universe for answers when you are the answer you are seeking? What you want out of every experience, the lessons you have to learn, the healing that is available to you and the peace and understanding your soul seeks is already within each experience. You can go from one lesson to another seeking answers but each lesson has the answer for you, only one is required. Every lesson is a complete experience when you pause long enough to allow yourself to hear the answer. And the answer is always within you.

The path of the seeker is one you choose from your belief that you are unworthy of experiencing humanity through the fullness of your Source connection. The ego knows life as a seeker and cannot imagine life when all questions are answered and there are no more questions. But this is your path of ascension and in higher vibrations there are no questions as life becomes a path of unfolding creation, where you are no longer a seeker and become the answer to your quest through your re-connection. As co-creator with the Universe you create the answers to each question so you no longer have to ask and you can simply receive.

The Road is Clear, Now I Just Have to Get There

Mostly cleared, the sun can melt the rest!

by Jennifer Hoffman

Ascension Insights

Jan. 21, 2011

The Road Is Clear, Now I Just have to  Get To It

Do you feel overwhelmed by what you need to do to get from wherever you are right now to the place where you feel happy, successful and at peace? You know where you need to go but the path there appears to be so hard. Where do you start, how do you overcome the challenges and how long will it take? I am often asked this question by clients and this article may help you.

If you listened to the radio show Wednesday you heard that there was a blizzard in my area and when I awakened the next morning the ground was covered with 10 inches of snow. While snow is beautiful it’s very inconvenient and makes travel difficult. But during the night the street plows had cleared the street so that was passable. But to get there I had to shovel my driveway, which is 65 feet long and 25 feet wide. Shoveling snow is not my favorite thing to do but if I was going to get to the road, I had work to do.

My goal was to get enough of the driveway cleared so I could get to the road, without shoveling the entire thing. So I dressed in warm clothes and went outside. As I stood in the garage looking out at the driveway I was overwhelmed at the scope of the job. The snow was deep and it covered every inch of the driveway. But I had some help, the sun was shining and I had 50 pounds of rock salt. I started at the top of the driveway and started shoveling. As I was working I was planning on how to do this without as little effort as possible. And I thought and shoveled and thought and kept on working, not really paying attention to how much work was getting done. As I completed a section I spread rock salt to speed the melting process and it worked beautifully.

I wasn’t thinking about how much I hated the work, how long it was going to take, or how hard it was, I just kept shoveling. And when I stood up to take off my hat and unzip my coat because I was getting too warm, I noticed that I was over halfway to the end of the driveway, where there was another problem.

When the street gets plowed the snow gets moved to the sides and there was a 3 foot pile of packed snow across the end of my driveway. By then I was tired and I made a little wish that someone would come by and help me. A few minutes later I saw the snowplow come down the street and the driver turned to face my driveway. At first I wondered whether he was going to offer to plow my driveway (which was now nearly finished). Instead, he raised his plow and in two passes removed all of the snow at the end of the driveway. Talk about a prayer being answered! I waved hello and thanked him.

A few more passes and the driveway was clean, the sun and rock salt had done a great job of melting the show and it took far less time than I thought it would.

Sometimes we’re faced with a task that seems impossible and it is usually something that we don’t want to do. This can be anything from finding a new job, ending a relationship, making a life change or simply choosing to think differently. And the task seems really hard. But there are some things I learned with my show shoveling experience that I want to share with you that might help:

1. Get started. The worst thing that you can do is to sit and look at the problem and not make a move in any direction. I knew that snow wasn’t going to shovel itself and I had to make an effort to get it cleared. The Universe always works with us but we show our commitment to our life when we are willing to start, which gets the energy moving. If we never start, the journey never begins.

2. Some things have to go. It was about 12 degrees outside and at first I was cold. But after working for a while, I had to take off my coat, hat and gloves because I was sweating. The clothes that had once protected me from the cold were now uncomfortable and unnecessary. When you start moving the energy it’s time to let things go. What do you have to release so change can start flowing in your life?

3. Ask for help. I never expected the snowplow driver to clear the end of my driveway but he did, saving me a half hour of work. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and then be prepared for it to arrive from any source.

4. Think creatively and consider ever resource. Sometimes we see only one way to completion and it’s often the most challenging way. But if we think creatively we can find a number of different ways to solve a problem. Once the bulk of the snow was removed, the sun could start melting the rest. Adding the rock salt sped the process along and the driveway was cleared with less effort.

5.  Find the blessings. There are blessings in everything, when we take the time to look for them. Sure, shoveling the driveway was hard work but I was outside, it was a sunny day and the snow was beautiful. And I got some great exercise. What are some of the blessings in your situation you haven’t noticed yet? If you focus on them, the task at hand won’t feel so overwhelming.

6. Celebrate your victory. Once the driveway was finished I rewarded myself with a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows, my favorite winter treat. When we don’t take the time to celebrate our victory we deny ourselves the reward of acknowledging our efforts. This gives us closure and acknowledges a job well done.

I now have a clear path from my house to the road and I can get to where I need to go. Are there any roads you want to travel today? How can you clear your path so you can get to them? Start taking your first steps to get the energy moving and be open to anything. Then celebrate each victory and acknowledge yourself for completing that journey.

2011 is just beginning and there is so much potential available to us. We have learned what we need to learn, now we have to become what we have always wanted to be. And that starts with our beliefs. Set your sights for your personal lottery and then get your ticket. Follow through on every opportunity that appears and see what miracles you and the Universe can create together.

Keep the faith, we’re all in this together and time is moving quickly. Become the observer in your life as you stay focused on your path in this moment.

In these interesting and transformational times, we can be overwhelmed by what is happening in our lives but there are always other solutions. Here are a few things to help you get through the difficult moments in your life:

Stay calm, focused, detached and aware and remember your thoughts are creating every moment of your life. Think the best ones.

As you ponder this and the other things that are happening at this time remember to:

Accept all gifts of understanding with gratitude and use them to apply forgiveness, release and healing to every situation.
Ask for guidance and confirmation and then wait for it to come to you.
Above all, be grateful for this opportunity to be part of humanity’s amazing shift in consciousness as we all ascend into the miracle vibration.

Many blessings in these miraculous and amazing times,
Jennifer Hoffman



On Digesting Calamity: a 5D view – Lauren C. Gorgo

Lauren C. Gorgo

January 20, 2011


“There has been a magnificent shift in the earth’s balance extending from the western hemisphere to the east….an impact which will have global ramifications.” -Pleiadian High Council 

It has recently come to my attention that we are beginning to mentally align with (become aware of) the great shift in perception that the unseens have been talking a lot about lately and this shift is apparently the result of some massive global (energetic) re-balancing that took place over the last 3-4 weeks in the form of a magnetic pole shift.

These re-balancing energies started to aggressively bubble up on the winter solstice/lunar eclipse and are currently completing a round of physical aftereffects in the form of solar and geological activity…geomagnetic storms, solar flares/winds, coronal mass ejections, auroras, quakes and fissures, etc.

So much of what is currently happening around the world is related to this shift and the unseens would like to clarify some things to settle any fears that may be festering from the uncertainty of such dramatic forward movement.

First and foremost, we are being urged to realize…no matter what surrounds us…that nothing is “out of hand” in this evolutionary process and that all is well despite external appearances. We are constantly reminded that everything is perfectly in place…how could it be any other way?…and that the increasing calamities on earth serve a great purpose in the planetary ascension.

That being said, I realize how this may sound to, say, our fellow brothers and sisters in Queensland right now trying to “stay afloat” in a very literal sense…but the unseens are making it clear that the purpose behind calamity is not merely myopic mysticism from a secular spiritual society, nor is it some new age platitude.  Its science.  And tho to most this is still considered pseudo-science, that too is soon to shift because mainstream science, as we know it, is quickly running out of answers.

“For those who still cling to fear, we reprise: All is well, perfectly orchestrated and systemized, as are all things in a vibrational universe.” -PHC

The Birds & The Bees…(and the fish too)

I have definitely been getting my share of emails with questions and concerns about the recent bird and fish deaths, and tho there are many “speculations” and theories out there, I thought I’d share some of what our galactic family has to say…

What I have been hearing is that the recent magnetic pole shift…which incidentally caused a Florida airport to temporarily close down…created massive pockets of electromagnetic distortion which resulted in some freakish occurrences in specific geographic locations and planetary ley lines…in addition to the rerouting of our own internal GPS’s.  If you have recently been feeling lost in your world, unable to figure out which way to go or why, most likely its related.  This magnetic shift is essentially responsible for reorienting us to the new timeline…translation: erasing our hard drives and rebooting our operating system now that we have all the latest updates.

(Keep in mind that just as our bodies are powered through a geometrically structured energy system, the earth is also powered through a grid system that forms geometric patterns which meet at various intersecting points creating a power grid or matrix. And just as meridians pulsate energy around our body, these grid points pulsate energy around our planet. Akin to acupressure points on the human body, these grid points are some of the most energetically potent on the planet. )

According to the unseens, ley lines form and connect these major intersections of geometric patterning and occupy physical space as powerful vortices of restorative energy, which animals, fish and insects…as well as some humans…are tuned into due to their highly sensitive navigation systems. As I understand it, certain groups (if not all) of animals, fish and insects cluster together in herds, flocks, schools and swarms to travel from power-point to power-point via the ley lines to nest, rest, mate, birth, heal and congregate due to the neutralized healing energies of these vortices.

When a significant shift occurs, it is possible and even likely for these creatures to become completely confused/disoriented and to lose their bearings…hence, fly into the ground, or wash up on shore. Though this can be unsettling, it is not the first that we are seeing of these phenomenons… we are just seeing more and more of them (with the help of the internet). There have been plenty of headlines in the last several years about unexplained bee deaths…dolphins/whales lost in strange waters and/or beaching themselves in greater and greater numbers…thousands of bats in the northeast United States dying of something unknown, etc…

Most likely, these natural events will continue to take place and maybe even increase as the earth sustains her transition into higher consciousness. As with all things, it is imperative that we claim our sovereignty through our ability to remain fearless, detached and neutral to these happenings by realizing that everyone and everything has their divine part to play in this game called “planetary ascension.”

Dismantling the Old Grid

The internal navigation/grid system that governs the planet and her people is aggressively shifting to a more balanced and harmonious state…that is to say the old paradigm of the masculine dominated hemisphere of the human brain (and therefore the global brain) is becoming equal to to the feminine hemisphere of the human brain/global brain….as above, so below.

Though these changes will ultimately result in the highest good for all, it will definitely not appear to be so from a lower dimensional perspective…which is ultimately why the courageous, and slightly crazy, way-shower group of souls chose to go first…to allay fears and provide an example of an alternative to the doom and gloom scenarios that inevitably abound.

We are being asked not to react to the fears that rise around us, but instead to realize that the earth’s changes are only ascension symptoms (the release of stuck energies and collective memory imprints) and are no different than the biological symptoms that we have been experiencing for many years. Mostly, these changes are a necessary part of our planet’s evolution.

From a higher perspective, these pockets of chaos are collective symptoms of (a lack of) symbiosis, and represent the contrast needed for harmonious relationships to form between all living things. And this is what the transition to harmony looks like….the shift IS happening…tho not always in a gentle or subtle way.

A Greater Perspective

The unseens are giving me the analogy that from the old polarity-paradigm perspective, “earth is to humans what a host is to parasites”…suggesting that from a separated sense of self (duality consciousness) we see the world as our host…the environment for humans to thrive, to suck-off of the sustenance that earth provides without reciprocation.

But now that humanity is aligning with a 5th dimensional (unity) consciousness, and therefore has a greater capacity to see the world from a more complex and expanded view, this outdated and one-sided outlook is shifting…albeit by force. Meaning that in many situations, earth changes are the potential impetus for collective awakenings whereby consciousness ensues, and the ramifications of natural disaster become the greatest teaching method for masses of people to move into the unity timeline.

From this vantage point, its easier to digest calamity because the end result of many eye-opening situations that we have been and will be presented with, will ultimately be a shift from the host/parasitic relationship to symbiotic co-creation…a brand new way to exist/coexist with the world in a mutually beneficial way.

In other words, the masculine (western) dominated approach to living is finally giving way to a more balanced exchange of give and take… thanks to the long-awaited return of the divine feminine…who consequently ran like hell eons ago to escape the harsh brutality of this rising imbalance….can’t say I blame her.

Of course, indigenous cultures have always understood the delicate balance of giving and receiving, the divine masculine and feminine forces of nature… but until now, their voices have been drowned out under the mechanistic clamor of a western, industrialized society. Luckily tho, these voices will again be heard, honored and respected for their wisdom, truth and understanding of sacred coexistence.

In the coming days, those who ignore this wisdom and unconsciously take from the earth and her inhabitants without care for the relationship between all living things will have the opportunity, many times over, to awaken to the fundamental principle of harmony thru the greatest teacher of all… mother earth.

The Bottom Line

For those still on the fence or resisting the planetary changeover… a quick heads up: as the compression of time collapses and folds in on itself, the polarized law of karma (cause and effect ) will more powerfully descend upon us and anything that lies outside of Source vibration (integrity) will come crashing down on us with unbridled fury.

The bottom line: Now more than ever, aligning with the co-creative energies of love, integrity and mutual respect for each other and our planet is a must. Depending on where you reside on the spectrum of consciousness, the backlash of misalignment can be  b r u t a l.

When in doubt, remember that the overriding purpose of this unrelenting pressure is to squeeze us into the crystallized diamonds that reside at our core… to reveal life’s perfection “as-is”, to all those willing to see.

Until next time,


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The Love Connection

a message from Jennifer Hoffman


2011 will see a transformation of the many different aspects of love on both individual and collective levels. This has been a sore spot (literally) for so many people as they have been unable to create or sustain relationships in their life for most of the past decade or longer. Because we define ourselves to such a degree through the presence of love in our lives, being without someone who ‘loves’ us has been extremely challenging. Our love life has either been completely uneventful or so painful that we have abandoned our dreams of love. It’s time for a change and change is coming in 2011.

Do you want a loving, intimate relationship in 2011? Then it’s time to create one because while the energies support it, the real effort lies with us and to accomplish this we need to find a new truth about love. This truth is in the title of this article-the love ‘connection.’ If we want to have a relationship we need to make it about connection, through love and not through our needs. We can no longer look for someone to love us because we can’t or don’t find ourselves lovable, to meet the needs we don’t feel capable of meeting or to resolve our loneliness.

I have often written that we will never find someone who loves us more than we love ourselves and that will be especially true this year. Every place in which we feel unworthy or undeserving of love is an area where we will have lessons until we remember that we are divine, lovable, loved and deserving of the greatest expression of love in our physical world. But the material love is a mirror of our inner self love. If we want to see love in our life we need to become the love we want to have, by loving ourselves.

On a collective or global level we will have many opportunities to love and support each other, with situations, such as those we have already seen happen this year, that remind us of our connection, our need to be kind and loving to each other. We can create love for a loveless world but not by hating those who remind us that love is a choice they do not make. Are we waiting for Prince Charming to ride into our life and bless us with the love we want? That’s a nice thought and each of us can have that when we approach love from the inside out, loving ourselves so much that we create the vibration of unconditional, perfect and lasting love that will attract that love to us.